
Please note the following:

  • We are not a financial advisors
  • This website, coinconomics.com (the “Site”) is not financial, investment, tax, or legal advice
  • This Site’s content contains personal opinions and general information only

Please do your own research and due diligence before making any financial decisions.

Please note that there may be information on the Site which is outdated or unintentionally incorrect. It is difficult, especially part-time, to always keep up with the fast-paced nature of the crypto industry. Please bear this in mind. If you do find any errors or inaccuracies, we would really appreciate you letting us know.

On the Site, there are a number of links to third-party websites. In some cases, if you choose to click through to a third-party website and subsequently create an account and use the service, we may receive a small reward. Rewards received will go towards offsetting the upfront costs and ongoing costs of providing the Site to you and other visitors. Often you will also receive a bonus or reward via the third-party service. We take pride in the fact that my content remains honest, unbiased and transparent regardless of the existence of any rewards. For example, we will lay out what we consider to be the useful information about the product or service and make an objective assessment of its merits and flaws. This includes strongly cautioning against the use of products or services where my opinion is that you should not use them. The same cannot be said for a disappointing amount of other ‘independent’ crypto media sites and ‘crypto-influencers’ (particularly on YouTube).

The final - very important - point to make: there are a large number of scams existing in the cryptocurrency space. Please be extremely careful with your money and cryptocurrency. We will never knowingly write about a scam product or service unless the purpose of the article is to specifically warn you against using it.